I am clearly not the person to give advise. I cannot tell you what to do but I'll tell you what I did. Here's a back story. I had birth my children when I was still young. I was skinny and it made me conscious because I don't look like a mother instead I look like an older sister to my children- and it's not flattering. Teachers, Social workers and Doctors doesn't seemed to trust my own children with me because I look like a kid myself. So I piled on weight. At the same time my divorce was finalized and I was free. I was also started on medication. After a few months I had gained 20 kg and I became overweight. I intended for a little weight gain but not being obese. I look at the mirror and I was devastated. Over the years, in my twenties I battled weight gained and depleting confidence. Then the pandemic came. It was during the fasting month of Ramadhan that I started working out after breaking my fast. I lost only two kilos. Then when the lock down was slowly redu...
A space like this makes me smile.
It reminds me of the bridal dais.
Do I wish to marry?
Was I worried about being alone?
Do I need someone to care for me?
Am I happy?
Why do I need someone around?
Why do I need to care for someone's
laundry, meals, cleanliness?
Wouldn't it burden me more if
there's two of us?
Can I be happy on my own?
Yes. I'm perfectly fine.
I'm not against people remarrying.
I'm happy for those who do.
I just don't understand -
How people remarry more than twice.
What are they looking for?
Some help around the house?
Company in bed?
A best friend?
A confidant?
Well, these are what I'm
looking for too...
But it doesn't have to be in a
bundled packaged of one.
These can be different people.
An all rounder will break
me if should he leaves.
Too dependent. Too needy.
That's what I am.
What I was.
I stop looking for these people
to fill my life anymore.
I don't want to be a people pleaser.
I don't want to be an enabler for
anybody, anymore.
I don't have to always be nice.
Therefore, I quit.
I walked away.
When I walk for miles,
I quiet the chatter in my head.
Feel what's bothering my heart.
Then I let go with every step.
Where's that driven girl?
What she's up to these days?
Where's that hopeful girl?
Trying to succeed in life.
What is success, anyways?
If success is monetary..
Well, it can be burned to ashes.
Is success about being able to
afford traveling the world?
Is success about being able to
afford comforts- more than
what you need to have?
For you, maybe.
What is success for me?
Success for me-
To stop feeling not enough.
To stop struggling with basic needs.
When I had achieve these already,
Have I reached success?
Or is there more?
Do I need more?
What I need now is to feel-
Contented and Gratefulness.
Thankful and accept life's
grace from God.
To learn to feel love.
To learn to feel alive.
I'll count my blessings.
Do I need more?
~My name is what I'm called.
It doesn't define or tell you the
person that I am. I am who I am to you,
but I'm always different to different people.~
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