I am clearly not the person to give advise. I cannot tell you what to do but I'll tell you what I did. Here's a back story. I had birth my children when I was still young. I was skinny and it made me conscious because I don't look like a mother instead I look like an older sister to my children- and it's not flattering. Teachers, Social workers and Doctors doesn't seemed to trust my own children with me because I look like a kid myself. So I piled on weight. At the same time my divorce was finalized and I was free. I was also started on medication. After a few months I had gained 20 kg and I became overweight. I intended for a little weight gain but not being obese. I look at the mirror and I was devastated. Over the years, in my twenties I battled weight gained and depleting confidence. Then the pandemic came. It was during the fasting month of Ramadhan that I started working out after breaking my fast. I lost only two kilos. Then when the lock down was slowly redu...
I'm getting older.
And I'm not my children's primary
caregiver or parent.
Should I fall sick long term,
I still want to remain independent
in many ways.
I don't want my kids to feel burdened.
I know they are reluctant to care for me
because I'm an absent parent mostly.
I can call for a housekeeper that charge
by the hour to clean my house.
That's probably going to be once weekly.
But necessary daily chores like
cooking and laundry needs to
be simple and easier.
I can depend on the machine
for laundry.
And I can always use the slow cooker.
The only worry I have is not being
able to clean myself on my own,
or go having to depend on others
because of immobility.
And living on assistance of others
financially and physically is not
something I can accept easily.
So I am now very picky.
I only wear specific type of clothes.
It has to be feminine yet evergreen in design, fits my body type,
easy to clean, quick to dry and
comfy in the hot weather climate
or rainy season.
My clothes should not need ironing
and should last me a long time.
I'm picky with food too.
I love my Malay gravy with rice.
But I only have a few specific
gravy that I rotate every few days.
It's mainly because of my stomachache
but also because the gravy I cook is
from an instant gravy paste.
In doing this, I know exactly how much
I'm spending per month.
And if I choose to eat out, my
groceries won't be spoiled and
go to waste. Besides, it's also
considered meal planning to me.
Meal planning saves time, effort and
mentally easy.
To keep my weight in check,
incase I need to be carried around
because of immobility,
I take long walks or play badminton.
I hate the gym.
Recently, I go through my whole flat.
Everything that doesn't fit into
my current life, I got rid of.
I don't want to be dead and leave
behind junk for others to clean up.
I've watched people passed on and
left behind mountains of things.
I'm still not done with this task yet
but I'm getting there.
I also bought A4 coloured paper.
I paste all my printed photos on them.
Then I sent them to the shop to be laminated. I fancy photo books but
I prefer old school collages.
I had to laminate them for a reason.
Sometimes when I have my relapse,
I have the tendacy to destroy photos.
Some photos are old and I can never
get back the memory.
I put the laminated photos in a
clear pocketed folder.
I am choosy about what memories
or photos that I hold on to.
Right now the folder is not even full.
I love books but I decided that
I'll only keep books that are my
regular reference books.
These are my Islamic guide books.
I have less than ten books.
I got rid of many books already.
If I can emotionally detach myself
from things I owned or not be paralyzed
by the sheer amount I have,
I'll probably be done right now.
I overthink too much maybe?
Once I'm done, it should look like
I had just moved in.
It should look clean and tidy.
I intend to keep it that way till
I fall gracefully in forever sleep, I hope.
This is why I call myself the
unintentionally minimalist.
Had I cross pass minimalism many
years ago and implement it in my life,
I would have saved tons of cash and not
be highly miserable.
Well, getting old have gotten me
a new set of goals apparently.
~When you set right your intentions,
your intentions will make you do right.~
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